Dr Peter Veth

(Distinguished Professor, PhD, BA (Hons 1) )

Involved in maritime archaeology and conservation projects for the past 40 years, Distinguished Professor Veth is Professor of Archaeology at UWA. He is also a Research Associate at the WA Museum and has just been awarded an ARC Lauriat Fellowship for his indigenous studies.

He has carried out archaeological surveys and excavations throughout Western Australia, including the Western Desert, Cape Range, Pilbara, Kimberley and Barrow Island.

Prof Veth is a past director of the Oceans Institute, has held faculty positions at James Cook University and the Australian National University and was the inaugural Chair of Kimberley Rock Art.

He has been an expert witness for native title claims, consultant to film series on cultural heritage and provided heritage advice to Aboriginal corporations and land-users.

A Fellow of the Australian Academy of Humanities, he is a qualified occupational diver. Peter lives in Fremantle with Professor Jo McDonald, the Director of the UWA Centre for Rock Art Research and Management.

Me in socials: