Dr Trevor Winton

(Founding Director, PhD, MSc, Grad Dip CM, BE (Hons) )

A member of the WA Museum’s Maritime Archaeological Advisory Committee and recently appointed Research Associate, Dr Trevor Winton has more than 30 years experience in environmental, coastal and ocean consulting roles for industry and government.

He is a past-president of the Maritime Archaeological Association of Western Australia and a former director of the not-for-profit Australian Water Association.

A councillor for the Australasian Institute for Maritime Archaeology, 67-year-old Dr Winton completed his PhD in maritime archaeology at Flinders University and in 2022 launched the not-for-profit Winwell Foundation to foster Australian and international maritime archaeology research.

With a life-long interest in the marine environment and maritime archaeology and post-graduate student training, Dr Winton lives in Perth with wife Marianna and son David.

His interests outside of work include diving, bush walking and golf.