Dr Andrew Woods
(Associate Professor, PhD, Meng, BE (Hons 1) )
Associate Professor Woods leads Curtin University’s Hub for Immersive Visualisation EResearch (HIVE) and brings a wealth of technical experience in shipwreck recording and visual display to the Winwell Foundation.
He specialises in visualisation, stereoscopic 3-D imaging, underwater photogrammatic 3-D reconstruction, 3-D cameras and displays, underwater vehicles (ROVs) and engineering software development with applications in offshore oil and gas as well as maritime archaeology.
Prof Woods was the technology lead on the Sydney-Kormoran Project which surveyed the wreck of HMAS Sydney (II) and HSK Kormoranin 2015, and was imaging lead for the survey of the wreck of Australia’s first submarine, HMAS AE1, in 2018.
He has been involved in the photogrammatic 3-D reconstruction of numerous shipwreck datasets, including Kyrenia (300 BC), Batavia (1629), James Matthews (1841) and HMAS Sydney (1941).
Dr Woods has Bachelor, Masters and PhD degrees in electronic engineering and stereoscopic imaging and in 2017 was recognised by Engineers Australia as one of Australia’s Most Innovative Engineers.